Ghost-B-Gone.biz (Las Vegas, Nevada)
Ghost Busters/ Paranormal Investigators/ Spiritual Warfare Ministry-Exorcism
Spiritual Advisor Intuitive Coach - Listener

Seek and receive the wisdom of a Spiritual Christian Counselor-Certified. Father Shawn Whittington O.S.B. O.C.R. With several years of experience in this field, I am prepared to assist with all inquiries of a spiritual nature, regardless of faith or any other personal life choices. Be heard and be helped by contacting me today! My mission statement - NO JUDGEMENT!!! *BOOKINGS - Also available for Filming/ Baptism/ Catholic Mass/ Weddings/ Last Rites* e-mail at shawnlvnv@hotmal.com or, call 702-416-6288.
Half Hour - $33.00
One Hour - $77.00
Hour and a Half - $144.00
Guidance on an otherworldly level. Must e-mail in advance to schedule phone consultation appointment. Payment due at scheduling to reserve appointment time. E-mail - shawnlvnv@hotmail.com. Thank you and God bless, Father Shawn.