(Las Vegas, Nevada)
Ghost Busters/ Paranormal Investigators/ Spiritual Warfare Ministry-Exorcism
Thanks for visiting!
[PLEASE DONATE to my ministry if you can. I'm shakin' my Tin Cup and passing around The Offering Basket brothers and sisters. I need your HELP getting to my Church Retreat next year April 2025. I need HELP with air fare, rental car and my roon and board at the retreat center. Any amount you can spare for my cause would be greatly appreciated from the bottom of my heart. PLEASE mention if your danation is for the retreat. I will have a special THANK YOU GIFT for you, from me to you. Thank you and God bless, Father Shawn.] *** ['Eli Roth Presents: The Legion of Exorcists' STREAMING NOW on Travel HD On Demand, Discovery+/ MAX/ RoKu and STARZ ON. BUY the complete Season 1 on Amazon Prime Video. Did YOU enjoy the series? If so, send a message to The Travel Channel Website and DEMAND A SEASON 2!!!] The Ministry in Las Vegas, Nevada. Co-Founder Fr. Shawn Whittington O.S.B. O.C.R. is a Priest with The United States Old Catholic Church and a fully professed Brother with The Old Catholic Benedictines of Immaculate Mary. Co-Founder his wife Minister Sharon Whittington a near death experience survivor, a certified Stephen Minister with the Lutheran Church, and a sensitive/ intuitive. (Both have suffered and survived severe demonic attacks.) They are a husband and wife ghost busting team based in Las Vegas, Nevada with over 40 years combined experience. The team is fully equipped to perform a thorough paranormal investigation if needed. But, (The Ministry), strives to go one step further than just ghost hunting. We specialize in getting rid of that extra unwanted guest in your home. (The Ministry), has helped many Las Vegas families over the years get their lives and their homes back. Trouble of a paranormal or demonic nature can be quite disturbing, and unless you have gone through it yourself, you can't quite know what it is like. Therefore, all inquiries are confidential, and we DO NOT CHARGE for Our Ministry Work, but DONATIONS are welcome to cover out of pocket expenses. To reach us here, go to our contact us page, e-mail or fill in your information. ***(OPEN ENROLLMENT NOW - 'Introduction to Spiritual Warfare Course' is a 12-Week (ONLINE) College Level Course complete with a stunning Diploma suited for framing. Teacher, Shawn Whittington. For more information on course syllabus, contact Shawn at OR, click on the "Introduction to Spiritual Warfare Course/ Book" tab at top of home page. Payment for enrollment in the course can be made HERE on that page through Pay Pal.)*** [For Spiritual Issues NOT related to the paranormal, PLEASE Don't forget to schedule an appointment for Certified Spiritual Advisor Intuitive Coach - Listener, click on "Spiritual Advisor" tab at top of home page]. "HEY, buy one or both of my books while you're here, part of the proceeds go to support St. Jude's and the ASPCA"! Thank you and God bless, Shawn 'THE REV'... /// Services and Bookings - <<<AVAILABLE FOR>>> FILMING/ WEDDINGS/ BAPTISMS/ CATHOLIC MASS/ LAST RITES (go to Spiritual Advisor Page)///... or call 702-416-6288.
[(((*'Fr. Shawn's Paranormal Ministry'. The Show that is so good, its almost a sin not to TUNE-IN!*)))] Televised and Broadcast LIVE from "FATHER SHAWN'S" Haunted Home. FRIDAYS at 2 P.M. Pac/ 4 P.M. Cent/ 5 P.M. East with Permanent Co-Host 'Annette Munnich'! [(((***FRIDAY September 13th, 2024, Husband & wife spirit channels and hosts of Hello Heaven, "BARRY & CONNIE STROHM" LIVE!***)))] WATCH LIVE on the New F.B. LIVE Show Page and the YouTube Channel for 'Fr. Shawn's Paranormal Ministry'. Visit my YouTube Channel and PLEASE SUBSCRIBE!!! Simple, WATCH, ENJOY and SUBSCRIBE!!!!..... ***ATTENTION/ HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT - COMING SOON and beginning AUGUST 2024, Fr. Shawn's Paranormal Ministry will begin it's New Exclusive Engagement LIVE on the 'UFO Paranormal Radio Network & United Public Radio 107.7 FM New Orleans' which LIVE Streams EVERYWHERE!!!*** Drop The Mic!!!
[*2024 IS GOING TO ROCK EVEN HARDER!!! SHhhh, Big Things Coming That I Have To Keep On The Downlow!? Keep the New Year Rollin' On with Father Shawn!!!] /// *Thank you all for the continued support*/// God Bless, Father Shawn Whittington. (FOLLOW Fr. Shawn ON FACEBOOK as LAWRENCE MORACE (his stage name)! (((ENROLL HERE - 'Introduction to Spiritual Warfare Online Course' Instructor "Fr. Shawn".)))
*BIG ANNOUNCEMENT - "God, Ghosts and The Paranormal Ministry". A Supernatural and Spiritual Autobiography by Rev. Shawn Patrick Whittington AVAILABLE NOW! Purchase an Autographed Author's Copy HERE enclosed in a beautiful House Blessing Kit!!!!!! *BIG ANNOUNCEMENT 2 - Book 2 in the series, "God, Ghosts and The Paranormal Ministry 2" Chronicles of an American Exorcist by Shawn Whittington AVAILABLE NOW HERE and Amazon! *** SUBSCRIBE NOW*** - A NEW You-Tube Channel in Town,,, "Fr. Shawn's Paranormal Ministry" SUBSCRIBE TODAY at ***ITS OFFICIAL*** 'Eli Roth Presents: The Legion of Exorcists' STREAMING EVERYWHERE, Travel HD On Demand, MAX, Discovery+, STARZ ON, etc.! BUY the complete Season 1 (All 6 Episodes), at Amazon Prime Video! *DID YOU ENJOY THE SHOW?,,, GO TO the Travel Channel Website (Submit A Request) Link at and REQUEST A SEASON 2 OR,,, Go To and Sign The Petition - Renew the TV show "Legion of Exorcists"* Thank you & God bless, Father Shawn.
Fr. Shawn's Paranormal Ministry FRIDAYS at 2P Pac/ 4P Cent/ 5P East. YouTube, Facebook LIVE, UFO Paranormal Radio Network & United Public Radio 107.7 FM.